This article directly describes the problem of traceries and decorations that have been discovered recently on the elevations of medieval buildings in Toruń. These extensive researches have got not only a documentary value but also indicate the aims for conservatory work. Next, the examples from Toruń may also be the starting point for research workers on the rules of conversions in a certain type of architectural decorations in that historic period – from stone traceries and ceramic ones, in the artificial stone – to the engraved plaster and decorated in a polychrome style. Moreover, the analysis of the examples from Toruń has got a big methodological importance because this type of work on framings, blind – windows, peaks, buttresses and ...
Painting with the use of impasto has been known for ages. Using a considerable amount of paint for a...
U izdanju Law Matters 2007. godine objavljeno je drugo izdanje knjige Praktično upravljanje vještina...
The research team recently developed an innovative system with low environmental impact for the prod...
The paper presents the issues concerning paintings by Bronisław Kierzkowski, who was developing his ...
A single movement work for concert band, The Wind and The Machine draws upon Charles Ives and Igor S...
Application of the SEM-EDX technique for determination of elements in alum as well as chrome tanner ...
U veljači 2010. godine Policijska uprava krapinsko-zagorska predala je prijavu na raspisani natječaj...
The theme of that study is a monumental mural painting on the north wall of the chancel of the forme...
Ciljem ovog rada želi se pronaći odgovor na pitanje na koji način pripadnici manjinske skupine Roma ...
Reconstruction Old Town Teams from the devastation of World War II was a very important project, awa...
U nakladi Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske iz tiska je 2011. godine izašla knjiga ...
W artykule przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę kalendarzy jako specyficznego rodzaju wydawniczego o...
U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja primjene odabranih likovnih umjetničkih djela u rasp...
Dziennikarstwo przez wiele dziesiątków lat było sposobem zarabiania pieniędzy, ale także swoistym st...
The issue of colouring in stone sculpture is not a new question in the studies on art, but recent de...
Painting with the use of impasto has been known for ages. Using a considerable amount of paint for a...
U izdanju Law Matters 2007. godine objavljeno je drugo izdanje knjige Praktično upravljanje vještina...
The research team recently developed an innovative system with low environmental impact for the prod...
The paper presents the issues concerning paintings by Bronisław Kierzkowski, who was developing his ...
A single movement work for concert band, The Wind and The Machine draws upon Charles Ives and Igor S...
Application of the SEM-EDX technique for determination of elements in alum as well as chrome tanner ...
U veljači 2010. godine Policijska uprava krapinsko-zagorska predala je prijavu na raspisani natječaj...
The theme of that study is a monumental mural painting on the north wall of the chancel of the forme...
Ciljem ovog rada želi se pronaći odgovor na pitanje na koji način pripadnici manjinske skupine Roma ...
Reconstruction Old Town Teams from the devastation of World War II was a very important project, awa...
U nakladi Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske iz tiska je 2011. godine izašla knjiga ...
W artykule przedstawiono krótką charakterystykę kalendarzy jako specyficznego rodzaju wydawniczego o...
U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja primjene odabranih likovnih umjetničkih djela u rasp...
Dziennikarstwo przez wiele dziesiątków lat było sposobem zarabiania pieniędzy, ale także swoistym st...
The issue of colouring in stone sculpture is not a new question in the studies on art, but recent de...
Painting with the use of impasto has been known for ages. Using a considerable amount of paint for a...
U izdanju Law Matters 2007. godine objavljeno je drugo izdanje knjige Praktično upravljanje vještina...
The research team recently developed an innovative system with low environmental impact for the prod...